FEATURED TRAINER – Dr Jenny Denyer, Performance Psychologist

FEATURED TRAINER – Dr Jenny Denyer, Performance Psychologist

One of our Performance Psychologists, Dr Jenny Denyer, tells us why she enjoys helping witnesses to mentally prepare, and explains her involvement in the ‘Women in Sport’ movement.

Why do you deliver Assurety courses – what do you enjoy about them?

Firstly the multi-disciplinary team.  I really enjoy working with the barrister and the communications expert to provide world class witness preparation.  We have complementary skillsets and it is fascinating being able to be onside and alongside the witness and experience the interplay between us all.

Secondly, I really enjoy applying the principles of performance psychology to help witnesses to mentally prepare for giving evidence.  This is a unique challenge that requires the witness to feel confident and remain calm and focused in the face of tough cross-examination. I enjoy seeing the transformation through the training in the ability of a witness to be able to handle the pressure of cross-examination.

Describe the best experience you have had on an Assurety course?

There isn’t one, all my Assurety experiences have been seriously engaging for all involved.  

Tell us something interesting about yourself that we may be surprised by?

I am passionate about the ‘Women in Sport’ movement….…In golf, I am co-facilitating the first ever ‘Women in Golf Leadership Development Programme’ for the R&A.  The programme is intended to support the ‘Women in Golf Charter’ by developing future high potential leaders across the golf industry to build confidence and readiness to step into future senior leadership roles.  The programme is fully sponsored by the R&A and is critical in readdressing the gender imbalance in the sport.  

As a former World Class squash player and England International, I reached a career high of 8 in 2005.  I am still involved in the game and will be at the Commonwealth Games with England Squash as the team Sport Psychologist. I also sit on the World Squash Federation Coaching Commission and am instrumental in developing the agenda around ‘Women in Squash’.

How else do you spend your time, in and out of work?

I have 12 year old identical twin daughters who play county squash, golf and cricket so I spend a lot of time enjoying playing games with them.  There’s nothing better!

What are you most proud of in your life?

Enduring relationships with family, friends and colleagues.  We’ve had some great fun.


The Ultimate in Witness Preparation.

2022, Assurety Training, part of the Vox Veros Group

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